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French former World Champion Loic Pietri back at U90kg

French former World Champion Loic Pietri back at U90kg

17 May 2017 22:30
by Mark Pickering - IJF
Gabi Juan / Hajime Judo

Loic Pietri switched to his new category since this year. He needed some time to adjust but recently won gold at the European Cup in Sarajevo. Now it’s time to step up to the usual level. At the Grand Slam in Ekaterinburg Pietri, 26, can show his level at the international world podium.

Pietri has ensured a turbulent 12 months having been out of medal in five events in a row until he rediscovered his form with gold at the Sarajevo European Cup in April. The Nice judoka, who was coached by his dad and 1985 European Silver medallist Marcel Pietri in Sarajevo, medalled at the Worlds in 2013 (gold), 2014 (bronze) and 2015 (silver) and from then on found wins hard to come by. Pietri went to Tokyo, Almaty, Guadalajara, Rio and Rome and was eliminated in his first contest at each event. After a right knee injury in 2016 and some punditry work for L'Équipe 21 at the Paris Grand Slam the Frenchman returned to full fitness and prepared for a comeback but up at the heavier weight of -90kg. Pietri will be unseeded this weekend but is arguably the most accomplished judoka present in the category in Ekaterinburg and there will surely be signs of that when he makes his eager-awaited return to the IJF World Judo Tour on Sunday.


Loic Pietri is the 2013 World Champion, bronze medallist in 2014 and took world silver in 2015 in Astana. He won three consecutive European and World medals. Always competing with Avtandili Tchrikishvili but won European team gold with France in Baku in 2015. He nearly always medals where he starts. In 2017 Pietri won the European Cup in Sarajevo.

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