Unterwurzacher surprises Agbegnenou in U63kg final
The final for women U63kg in Abu Dhabi confronted Clarisse Agbegnenou (FRA) and Kathrin Unterwurzacher (AUT). The French being with no doubt stronger than her opponent, the title seemed to be her property even before the final started, but Unterwurzacher took her chance and superbly won with yuko obtained on a yoko-sutemi-waza. Not enough precision in her trapping, Agbegnenou could not score and finished at the second place.
The first bronze medal went to the USA and Hannah Martin who scored an early waza-ari and was able to keep the score until the final gong against Mungunchimeg Baldorj (MGL). The second bronze medal was won by Anicka Van Emden (NED) who defeated Hilde Drexler (AUT). The Austrian was unable to overcome the small yuko that Van Emden had scored during the first half of the match. With no surprise and without being put in danger during all the preliminary rounds, the world silver Medallist Clarisse Agbegnenou took her place in the final.