Baptiste Leroy Judoka

Baptiste Leroy
Country: France
Born: 2 September 1976 (48 years)
French lightweight judoka Baptiste Leroy won 3 national titles, Won 8 national medals. He became successful coach of French team Flam’91 and won the European Club Championships with the women’s team in 2017. Leroy was a high level trainer for several years of the clubs of ACS Peugeot-Mulhouse and FLAM 91 and until 2021 national technical director of Mauritius, He was part of the staff of the Etoile Sportive de Blanc-Mesnil Judo. In November 2022 he was appointed as French men’s headcoach. Switched to Paris SG in September 2024. Awarded as International Team coach of the year 2024.
Judo results
Date | Result | Judo event | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 Dec 2013 | 2 | European Club Championships men | ECC | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
13 Nov 2010 | 2 | French Championships Boulazac | NC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
23 Oct 2010 | 2 | Label A Montlucon | IT | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
10 Jan 2010 | 2 | French Championships Montbéliard | NC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
18 Jan 2009 | 1 | French Championships Paris | NC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
26 Oct 2008 | 3 | European Club Cup final Tallinn | ECC | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 Jan 2008 | 3 | French Championships Toulon | NC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
15 Dec 2007 | 3 | European Club Cup final Moscow | ECC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
7 Oct 2007 | 2 | International Tournament Besançon | IT | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
4 Feb 2007 | 3 | Belgian Open Championships Visé | IT | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
10 Dec 2006 | 2 | International Tournament Monaco | IT | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
15 Jan 2006 | 3 | French Championships Amiens | NC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
17 Dec 2005 | 1 | Games French Speaking countries Niame | IT | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
6 Aug 2005 | 3 | German Open Braunschweig | IT | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
2 Apr 2005 | 5 | World Cup Bucharest | WCup | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 Feb 2005 | 3 | Super World Cup Hamburg | SWC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Feb 2005 | 7 | Super World Cup Tournoi de Paris | SWC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 Jan 2005 | 2 | French Championships Villebon/Yvette | NC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
7 Feb 2004 | 3 | Super A-Tournament Tournoi de Paris | SWC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 Nov 2003 | 1 | French Championships Paris | NC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
28 Mar 2003 | 2 | French University Championships Paris | NUC | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
1 Mar 2003 | 3 | International Tournament Laval | IT | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
22 Feb 2003 | 1 | Tournoi National de Wasquehal | IT | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
3 Nov 2002 | 3 | French Championships Paris | NC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
18 Dec 2000 | 1 | d'Epinal de Rennes | IT | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
24 Oct 1999 | 2 | Coupe Paris Kyoto | IT | U66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
25 Apr 1999 | 3 | British Open Birmingham | IT | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
28 Mar 1999 | 2 | Grand Prix Città di Roma | WCup | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 Apr 1998 | 2 | British Open Birmingham | IT | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
5 Apr 1998 | 7 | Dutch Open 's-Hertogenbosch | WCup | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28 Feb 1998 | 7 | A-Tournament Budapest Bank Cup | WCup | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 Nov 1997 | 1 | French Championships Paris | NC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
26 Oct 1997 | 2 | European Team Championships Rome | ETC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
20 Apr 1997 | 3 | British Open Birmingham | IT | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
17 Nov 1996 | 2 | European Junior Championships Monte Carlo | EChJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Nov 1996 | 3 | French Championships Paris | NC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
6 Oct 1996 | 3 | World Junior Championships U19/21 Porto | WJC | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 Jun 1996 | 2 | German Junior Open U19/U21 Berlin | ITJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
31 Mar 1996 | 1 | French Junior Championships Paris | NJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
3 Feb 1996 | 1 | Belgian Open Championships Visé | IT | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
27 Aug 1995 | 1 | International Junior tournament Cetniewo | ITJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
16 Apr 1995 | 3 | International U21 Tournament Poitiers | ITJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
26 Mar 1995 | 1 | French Junior Championships Paris | NJun | U60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
5 Jun 1993 | 2 | Junior tournament Roger Serzian Belfort | ITJun | U55 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
13 Jun 1992 | 2 | French Cadet International Dijon | ITJun | U55 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
31 May 1992 | 2 | Junior tournament Roger Serzian Belfort | ITJun | U55 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
21 Dec 2013 | 2 | ECC | U66 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
13 Nov 2010 | 2 | NC | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
23 Oct 2010 | 2 | IT | U66 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
10 Jan 2010 | 2 | NC | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
18 Jan 2009 | 1 | NC | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||
26 Oct 2008 | 3 | ECC | U66 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
13 Jan 2008 | 3 | NC | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
15 Dec 2007 | 3 | ECC | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
7 Oct 2007 | 2 | IT | U66 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
4 Feb 2007 | 3 | IT | U66 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
10 Dec 2006 | 2 | IT | U66 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
15 Jan 2006 | 3 | NC | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
17 Dec 2005 | 1 | IT | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
6 Aug 2005 | 3 | IT | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 Apr 2005 | 5 | WCup | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 Feb 2005 | 3 | SWC | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
5 Feb 2005 | 7 | SWC | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
9 Jan 2005 | 2 | NC | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 Feb 2004 | 3 | SWC | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
2 Nov 2003 | 1 | NC | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
28 Mar 2003 | 2 | NUC | U66 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
1 Mar 2003 | 3 | IT | U66 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
22 Feb 2003 | 1 | IT | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
3 Nov 2002 | 3 | NC | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
18 Dec 2000 | 1 | IT | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
24 Oct 1999 | 2 | IT | U66 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
25 Apr 1999 | 3 | IT | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
28 Mar 1999 | 2 | WCup | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
12 Apr 1998 | 2 | IT | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Apr 1998 | 7 | WCup | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
28 Feb 1998 | 7 | WCup | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
30 Nov 1997 | 1 | NC | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
26 Oct 1997 | 2 | ETC | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
20 Apr 1997 | 3 | IT | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||
17 Nov 1996 | 2 | EChJun | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
3 Nov 1996 | 3 | NC | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 Oct 1996 | 3 | WJC | U60 |
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
30 Jun 1996 | 2 | ITJun | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
31 Mar 1996 | 1 | NJun | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
3 Feb 1996 | 1 | IT | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
27 Aug 1995 | 1 | ITJun | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
16 Apr 1995 | 3 | ITJun | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
26 Mar 1995 | 1 | NJun | U60 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
5 Jun 1993 | 2 | ITJun | U55 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
13 Jun 1992 | 2 | ITJun | U55 |
We do not have fights for this result.
Date | Result | Type | Cat. | |
31 May 1992 | 2 | ITJun | U55 |
We do not have fights for this result.
W/L | Opponent | Date |
L | Mshvidobadze, Robert | 2011 |
L | Davtyan, Hovhannes | 2011 |
W | Korotun, Maxim | 2011 |
L | Davtyan, Hovhannes | 2011 |
W | Yessimbetov, Gabit | 2011 |
Frequent opponents
Opponent | Matches | W/L |
Uematsu Kenji | 4 | 0:4 |
Cueto Roberto | 2 | 2:0 |
Stegmüller Roland | 2 | 2:0 |
Zintiridis Revazi | 2 | 2:0 |
van Kalken Vincent | 2 | 2:0 |
Judo birthday

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