Jovana Pekovic represents Montenegro at the Olympics

Montenegro celebrates its Olympian Jovana Pekovic. Pekovic became European U23 Champion in 2019 in Izhevsk and competes in the IJF World Tour since. In 2016 Srdjan Mrvaljevic was the only participant for Montenegro at the Rio Olympic Games, he also competed in 2012 on London and 2008 in Beijing. Pekovic is the first woman for Montenegro to become an Olympian.
The 23-year judoka reacts: “There are no words to describe the happiness I feel to represent my small but proud country, Montenegro in such an important competition.
“My family and the few people who are most important to me in my life know how much work, effort, giving up, tears, pain, downs and ups, combined efforts it takes to make this possible. My path was full of obstacles and my fight was not only on the tatami. I'm proud of myself and those few people who stood next to me, and didn't want to give me up. It was worth the effort! And this is our joint victory.”
Pekovic of Judoklub Akademik took gold at the European Cup in Sarajevo in 2019 and 2017. She won the European Open in Belgrade in 2017. As a youngster she medalled at the EYOF in Tbilisi in 2015 U70kg and claimed various Balkan Championships titles in all age categories.
“I am glad that I was and remained a big dreamer, that I never gave up on my dreams and goals, that I am a fighter at heart and so had the courage to deal with all the injustices, bad people and ugly situations. Of every defeat both on and off Tatami, I've only taken out the good ones. I responded to every envy and injustice with a smile and even greater success. I fought fair and in the end God rewarded me this way. And I'm just going to say that this is just the beginning. I believe there are many more beautiful things in my life and I am on my way to meet him.”