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JudoInside continues with news and historic projects

JudoInside continues with news and historic projects

2 Apr 2020 15:25 - Hans van Essen / judo news, results and photos

JudoInside continues to deliver stories, updated results and videos of world wide judo. The virus doesn’t stop our judo passion from updating world wide athletes on the situation and consequences. We obviously fill the days with news, forthcoming interviews and adding historic results.

Editor in Chief Hans van Essen: “There is always news and in such period where you cannot fall back on current results and events, you must be creative and desirable for new insights. Currently we are working back with historic results for instance in Slovenia, France, Spain, Croatia, Romania and in fact we try to map the world’s judo for more than 18 years. This doesn’t stop us and we ask our judo fans to deliver their historic results of events with date and cities and all 28-32 medal winners for men and women. We will take care of the top 3 of most events and will be adding those results to their profiles and share it with the world. This is for event organisers a great opportunity to showcase their events and to get an idea which later top athletes started at their tournament. It’s exactly what every sports director wants to know. What is the path from talent to World medal. It’s analyzing which route you could follow for future talents.”

“Together with my partner Oon Yeoh of JudoCrazy we are currently interviewing some top athletes about their situation in their countries and that gives judo fans good insights about the impact of this virus.”

“Over the past months we have also been preparing for the Games with good news, more and more photos of our photographers who share the same thought and judo passion and work free of charge like me. We will have to face the consequences soon I assume when the Games are postponed, a situation that was also discussed in 2016 when the Zika virus had seriously damaged the Brazilian health situation. That had more a "regional" impact, this time it’s a world-wide problem that will have an historic impact. When reviewing historic results everyone will realise what occurred in 2020. It will cause a huge gap, but it will also deliver us new vision and insights how to deal with daily life and unexpected events such as this virus. I am convinced that this crisis will deliver a lot of good aspects despite the pain we now have to share. The judo values will guide us what to do.”

“If you like what we do, feel free to drop your donation as obviously the small income we had via other streams have been nearly flattened. For instance I am commentator for Eurosport, where I moderated the World Championships and all IJF Magazines of the Grand Slams, but it has all stopped for the moment. It won’t stop our life work though, it motivates even more.”

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