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Here is the competition lunch box for any coach

Here is the competition lunch box for any coach

1 May 2019 14:55
by Amelie Rosseneu - Hans van Essen / judo news, results and photos

Athletes have their dietitians to tell them what foods to bring to the competition. Coaches have as brainfood but coaching a day long takes more. Competition days are usually long and not always there is proper food to find at the competition venue, let alone a wifi connection to get the best intel on the next opponent.

Amelie Rosseneu is obviously the diet coach in the world of judo to give some useful tips how to deal with our daily energy level. Her successful book making weight & everything else is just translated for the German market and her tips are followed up world wide. Here's this week's tip for coaches.

Athletes get some break between their fights, but as a coach you can end up running from side to side at the competition hall, coaching multiple athletes one after another without a real break to sit down for a few minutes. Not only athletes, also coaches need to find the way to stay sharp and not run out of energy at the end of the day.

Keeping your energies up as a coach can help you stay focused during the fights and make fast decisions. In the end, the athlete are the ones on the mat, but your ability to read the fight and give the right instructions can shift the fight to a better or worse direction.

The nutrition you bring as a coach to the competition need to be easy to digest, convenient to consume and at the same time preferably healthy. It should also keep your suit and tie clean.  Here are 5 snacks you could bring to survive:

Dried fruits: Dried fruit contain loads of natural sugars, but also fibers, antioxidants, vitamin and minerals. Technically you could say that it’s a piece of fresh fruit in a compact format. You can easily put some in a plastic bag in your pocket and snack on them when you’re standing in the waiting line or walking back to the warm-up area. The sugars will prevent you from getting an energy dip.

Nuts: Nuts are another example of convenient but natural foods. Nuts are rich in healthy fats and contain plenty of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. You can add them together in the plastic bag of dried fruits.

A simple sandwich: When you finally get to sit down for a few minutes, it’s always good to have your lunch ready in your bag. This way you can stay with your athletes and don’t need to start running around again looking for food. You can easily make a sandwich yourself or buy one in the supermarket. If it’s possible add some veggies to it, to improve the flavor and make it more nutritious.

A protein bar: Protein bars are very convenient and provide some protein to your competition diet. You can just like your athletes bring some from home, so you can be sure you have something proper to eat. Don’t mistake an energy bar for a protein bar. Energy bars contain high levels of sugars, athletes may need them but coaches don’t! Read the food label before you buy the bar to ensure you get the right one.

Water! In a busy and stressful day many coaches forget to drink and end up having a terrible headache at the end of the day. You can prevent this by keeping a drinking bottle near you. The water will also help you lubricating your vocal cords, so you won’t lose your voice at the first day of a long competition.

Book the expertise of Amelie Rosseneu now for your own situation. Check out the 'market place' of Athlete Analyzer.

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