18 years difference between winners European Cup in Dubrovnik

France and the Ukraine were the most efficient nations at the European Cup in Dubrovnik. 235 athletes from 25 nations battled in the beautiful Croatian city. The Ukrainian men captured three gold medals, the French women also took three titles. Hot nation Croatian celebrated two gold medals.
At the first day in the lightweight category Ana Viktorija Puljiz (17 years) won her pool of five women U48kg. Iva Oberan finished on Saturday with the gold medal U63kg, one category higher than usual. Penelope Bonna (30) of France would normally be the oldest winner of the weekend taking gold U52kg, but on Sunday British heavyweight Chris Sherrington surprised with a gold medal aged 35, double the age of Croatian lightweight Puljiz (17). Both athletes are the youngest and oldest winner in the history of the tournament since 2015.
Bonna won the first of three female winners of France. Gaetane Deberdt defeated Lesley Koorn (NED) in the final U57kg. On Sunday Julie Pierret took gold in the final against Jovana Pekovic fighting for Montenegro, in the week that the country re-installed the federation. Montenegro also won silver but lost the final U81kg of Milan Buncic (SRB). Milica Zabic won the heavyweight final for women and took the second gold for Serbia.
The final for women U78kg was an all Dutch battle between Donja Vos and Margit de Voogd who captured the gold medal. It was a guaranteed gold medal for the big Dutch team that collected nine medals in total.
Ukraine wins 9 medals
Also the Ukraine team collected nine medals but was more efficient with gold for Oleksandr Moisei in an all Ukraine final U66kg against Artem Falkivskyi. Vitalli Shepel won gold U90kg against Martijn van de Ven (NED). Anton Savitskiy was the third succesful aim for gold. Savitskiy defeated Danilo Pantic of Montenegro that can be proud of three finals.
On Saturday Belgian lightweight Joran Schildermans took the gold in the final U60kg against Samuel Waizenegger (FRA). Ruslan Osmanov of Russia overcame Andrea Gismondo of Italy in the final U73kg.
Dubrovnik was the second European Cup for Seniors this season. Sarajevo is the next stop in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Ana Viktorija Puljiz (17)
Croatian judoka Ana Viktorija Puljiz became European Cadet Champion in 2017 in Kaunas. She won the Cadet African Open Tunis in 2017. She won gold at the Youth Olympic Games team event in 2018 and she claimed a bronze medal at the Youth Olympic Games in 2018 in Buenos Aires. In 2019 she won gold at the Cadet European Cup in Zagreb for tehs econd time and won gold at the European Cup in Dubrovnik this weekend while she is just 17 yyears young.
Chris Sherrington (35)
British heavyweight Chris Sherrington won various international medals Like World Cups in Apia, Samsun, Montevideo and Havana. Sherrington was triple British champion and many times in the final. He won the Commonwealth Championships in Derry in 20026 and Commonwealth Games in Glasgow as highlight in 2014. This weekend he added gold at the European Cup in Dubrovnik aged 35.