Rosalba Forciniti grabs Italian title after gap of eight years

Remarkable results at the Italian Championships in Ostia this weekend. Rosalba Forciniti captured the title for women U52kg. Forciniti recently found the pleasure in judo and after getting two children she started training again in January. She competed last weekend in Ostia and won the title. In the final the five-time Italian Champion defeated Annarita Campese.
2012 Olympic bronze medallist Forvciniti said judo farewell in 2014. The 31-year old judoka won the Italian title for the last time in 2010. She won the first title 1 years ago.
The winner reacted: "Returning on the tatami was the most natural thing that could happen to me, it underlines the judoka in me, the first Calabrian to get on the Olympic podium. It was as if I had never left the Arena, like a great love that you never forget. I had two children, so I had to stop, but now I'm back and I could not wait to get on the tatami for these Italian championships. "I do not know, now I want to go home, stay with my parents. children, the family: tomorrow is another day ".
For Edwige Gwend the competition on Sunday went successful and she captured her sixth title in her career. She bested Nadia Simeoli in the final U63kg.
Carola Paissoni won her fourth title U70kg, last year she also captured the title. In the men’s division Heavyweight Vincenzo D’Arco became the topscorer with his fourth title.
Francesca Milani prolonged her title U48kg. Martina Lo Giudice collected three tricolores meanwhile, she became champion U57kg. Giorgia Stangherlin won the title U78kg while Annalisa Calagreti won her first Italian tile +78kg.
In the men’s division two men won their first Italian title. Diego Rea and Christian Parlati. U73kg Enrico Parlati won the title, U81kg it was Christian Parlati who won his category. Nicholas Mungai won U90kg whilst Giuliano Loporchio won his third title U100kg.