Catching up with the team behind Athlete Analyzer Judo

At last weekend’s Cadet European Championships the team of Athlete Analyzer Judo was present in Kaunas. Their system is innovative but you will need some time to understand the benefits and for each athlete coach or club, they are huge. Founder Nicklas Björklund developed a system for collaboration between coaches and judoka for systematic analysis and training planning. With this idea he founded Athlete Analyzer.
What can athletes and clubs expect and what development has it gone through?
We’re working on several parallel projects to enhance the system. We get many suggestions from our users regarding new features in the system which is very exciting. The users generate a lot of data when they tag the match events in their competitions and that opens up for many exciting analysis charts for them in the future. We have put together a strong scientific board which will help us to continue explore the nearly endless possibilities of analysis of the athletes. We will also form a user group with both coaches and athletes to make sure we will keep on track regarding the important user experience in the system.
Can you tell me more about the new training analysis features?
We released new charts called Training Insights last week. The charts display various important measures about the athlete’s training like Fitness, Fatigue and their Performance (Form). The charts are based on the athletes’ reported training but it’s also possible to plan and optimize their form for competitions in the future (super compensation). We also released “Injury risk” which helps coaches and athletes to balance the training accordingly to reduce injury risks.
Former Danish head coach Miguel Ogando Lopes who is now head coach of the women's team at the OSP Olympic center in Leipzig says: "Athlete Analyzer is a very nice tool to have, since you can follow your players training regimen even when you are not around. You can easily adjust and send programs to them, and also have an overview of the competition/training planning and so you can track their progress more efficiently. Also very effective on showing you, strengths and weaknesses of your players. 5 stars AAJ"
What are you planning for the future?
We will add more features soon regarding reporting of wellness to bring a more comprehensive and holistic view of the athletes. We will also release injury reporting and combine that data with the training data which will bring new possibilities to analyse and also learn how to protect our athletes from preventable injuries in the future. Athlete Analyzer will be a part of a research project starting up after the summer in the Anglia Ruskin University which we’re looking forward to with excitement.
Swedish head coach Robert Erikkson: ”Athlete Analyzer has made planning and analysis for the Swedish national team both valuable and efficient. It plays an important role in the development of Swedish judo.”
Next big thing is to combine training data with match data from competitions. We have the unique possibility to combine this different data which surely will bring new insights to the sport of judo in the future.
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